Order or book a cab or Vtc in Marseille 13001. 

Order or book a cab or Vtc in Marseille 13001

Would you like to order or book a cab or VTC in Marseille 13001? 


Not sure which Taxi or VTC company to choose?


Massilia Drive gives you the opportunity to book a Taxi VTC driver to or from Marseille 13001 on our website or via our 24/7 telephone platform.


What's more, unlike conventional cabs, you won't be dependent on an expensive odometer, because our rates are fixed, with no surprises, and will be communicated to you in advance, before you confirm your booking. 


Thanks to our fleet of vehicles that can accommodate from 4 to 8 people, Massilia Drive is always available to transport you all year round, day or night. 


You can pay the driver directly in cash or credit card on board our vehicles or on our website via our secure online payment platform. 


An invoice will be sent to you automatically by e-mail.


Don't hesitate to contact us via our website or call our 24/7 reservation platform directly on 0648 748 820.

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