Order or book a cab or VTC in Marseille 13016

Book a TAXI / VTC with baby seat, car seat or booster seat in Aubagne with MASSILIA DRIVE

Safety first!


Are you looking for a private VTC driver or a cab with a baby seat, car seat or booster seat?


Don't take any risks and travel safely with your child(ren) and call Massilia Drive. 


 We ensure compliance with the laws governing the transport of underage passengers, as the driver is responsible for the people he transports.


When booking, simply tell us the age of your child(ren), whether you're travelling with a stroller and/or luggage, and we'll adapt to the situation. 


What's more, on board our luxurious sedans you'll enjoy unique comfort and benefits such as refreshments, sweets, WIFI, a charger, and a tablet with which you can entertain your child with his favorite songs or cartoons...


With Massilia Drive, everything is in place to ensure that your family trip is a safe and happy one. 


Don't hesitate to contact us via our website or call our 24/7 reservation platform
directly on 0648 748 82

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