Order or book a cab or VTC in Marseille

Book your private driver to visit a COVID-19 vaccination center in Marseille

Thinking of getting vaccinated? 

Call on Massilia Drive to make it easier for you to get vaccinated at one of Marseille's many vaccination centers, with a private Taxi/VTC driver at your disposal for a safe transfer. 

We scrupulously respect sanitary protocol to ensure our own safety, and above all that of our customers. 

Hydro-alcoholic gel and disinfectant wipes are available. 

What's more, the vehicle is disinfected after each run (wrists, seat...) and properly ventilated. 

Limit the risks of contamination and your public transport journeys and make the choice of safety by calling on a TAXI/VTC driver in Marseille. 


Taxi/ VTC to Vaccination Center - Stade Orange Vélodrome

Taxi/ VTC for Vaccination Center - APHM Sainte Marguerite Hospital

Taxi/ VTC for Vaccination Center - Clairval Hospital - Urgent Care Center

Taxi/VTC for Vaccination Center - IHU - Méditerranée Infection

Taxi/ VTC for Centre de vaccination - Maison médicale de Garde de la Timone


Don't hesitate to contact us via our website or call our 24/7 reservation platform directly
at 0648 748 820

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